Renee Murley: Why I Support Chattanooga 2.0
Even before I officially began my position as the Director of the School of Education at UTC, I was invited to participate in a Chattanooga 2.0 community meeting at Normal Park. I remember thinking how impressed I was with the representation of individuals who gathered to…
Bridging the Gap to College: Lessons for Other Communities
Bridge to Completion, a recent report produced by the Nashville Public Education Foundation and the Tennessee College Access and Success Network (TCASN), shows that making the leap from high school to college graduation is more challenging than it should be for too many Nashville students. While…
Hats Off to Hattanooga
A community working together can make a greater impact on the local education system than any one person or organization. And since we want to build the smartest community in the South, it’s a good thing we’re all working together here in Chattanooga. In…
Teach Your Child The Basics This Holiday Season
It may be “the most wonderful time of year,” but the holidays are also the busiest.  There are holiday parties, school programs, final exams, post office lines, and elves on shelves.  We fight mall traffic to search for the perfect presents for those on our list…
College Knowledge, Now!
College Knowledge, Now! is an elementary outreach initiative housed in the Center for Community Career Education at UTC that educates and inspires youth from throughout the Chattanooga region. Through fun-filled activities on the UTC campus, children are able to experience the collegiate world that exists in…
The First 90 Days
“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” Bill Bradley Ambition has always been a driving force in my life. Perhaps my definition of ambition lies in the fact that while I am always somewhat hyper-focused on the work at hand,…


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