What we do
The Hamilton County Children’s Cabinet provides a space for governmental agencies and community stakeholders to coordinate supports and services, develop common goals, share and compare data and address gaps or duplications in resources. This platform ultimately equips our leaders to craft better policies and decisions, which, in turn, allow the programs and services they govern to have a greater impact on children and youth.
Align public and nonprofit sectors to the whole-child needs of children and youth

Individual student success planning
The Children’s Cabinet supports the school district’s pilot of Student Success Plans across 14 Hamilton County schools. Like a roadmap, personalized Student Success Plans identify and connect students to basics they need like food, housing, and healthcare, as well as high-quality after-school and summer experiences, mentoring and internships.
Student Success Plans were piloted in the 2019-2020 school year to expand to all schools in the future. The Children’s Cabinet works with the school district to identify and address the needs of students identified through the Student Success Plan process.
The Hamilton County Children’s Cabinet is working to expand the Individual Student Success Planning pilot to all Hamilton County schools, elevating student strengths and needs in academic, health, social, and family domains.


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)– Our workgroup has supported and trained a cross-sector of community stakeholders on the impact toxic stress has on children through adulthood, trauma-informed care, and methods for strengthening families. To request an ACEs presentation for your group or organization, please email earlymatterschatt@gmail.com.

COVID-19 Response

Community Schools