What we do

In third grade, students transition from learning to read and begin reading to learn. A student who does not meet reading expectations by third grade is four times less likely to graduate high school by age 19 than a child who reads proficiently by that time.

Success in early grades lays the foundation for future learning and allows middle and high schools to focus on accelerating students toward opportunities after high school, rather than devoting precious resources to remediation and playing catch up.

The Early Grade Success action team brings partners together from the K-12, early learning, social, and public sectors to lead strong, transformational initiatives to improve early literacy that will change the future of our community.



Provide equitable, high-quality, rigorous learning experiences from cradle to career.


HCS Community Literacy Nights


To help support literacy development in Tennessee, the state will leverage approximately $60 million of one-time federal COVID-19 relief funding and $40 million in federal grant funding to immediately launch Reading 360 and invest in optional reading resources and supports at no cost to the state or districts. Reading 360 will provide optional grants and resources to help more Tennessee students develop strong phonics-based reading skills by supporting districts, teachers, and families.


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